German Shepherd adoption

My daughter and I adopted a German Shepherd puppy from Rob and his family. And we couldn’t be happier.
When we got out to their farm we were in love with all of the puppies there. They we all roaming free and playing with each other. But got lucky we got the last German Shepherd puppy!
I would definitely recommend adopting from them! Because they truly do take care of all of their puppies. And check up on them after the adoption to make sure they are happy in their home!!

I have attached a great pic of our Ranger! He loves to ride in the jeep! We call it Ranger’s Wrangler!

Thank you for allowing us to adopt Ranger. He has definitely completed our family!

Happy Cheerful Puppies, Dachshunds, Puppies, Breed, Bernedoodle, Dashund, poodle, Bulldog, Cavalier
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